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Why take the PLEDGE?

Your organization believes sport can be a positive experience for kids. But, with the growing competitive focus and pressures in youth sport today, it can be challenging to maintain the safe, fun, developmentally appropriate environment that kids need.  For most organizations, volunteer coaches are a crucial part of any season.  Recruiting, organizing, educating, and retaining quality coaches is critical to your overall mission.  The PLEDGE is designed to support your offers and to provide free on-going coach development support for your organization from the United States Center for Coaching Excellence (USCCE), a non-profit organization dedicated to quality coaching education and development.




Through the Raise the Bar pledge initiative, the USCCE helps organizations who are doing the right things for youth sport athletes get the recognition and support they deserve!



  • Receive professional feedback from the USCCE on how to improve your organizational mission and objectives related quality coaching education and development.

  • Receive the free USCCE's coaching education and development support newsletter and updates.

  • Pledge taking organizations are listed on USCCE's national RAISE the BAR website.

  • Receive the RAISE the BAR pledge seal for all your organizational promotional materials

  • A ready to go press release for your local news agency highlighting your pledge commitment to Raise the Bar.

  • Create consistent materials and terminology to use with your coaches, parents, and athletes

  • Facilitates a better understanding for coaches and parents about the mission of your organization to enhance and enrich youth sport.




  • A safer environment for athletes

  • More consistent experiences for athletes and coaches from team to team and season to season

  • Increased athlete enjoyment, resulting in athletes who are more likely to return next season

  • Parents and coaches who are more informed and therefore, more connected to the program

  • Parent coaches who feel more confident about volunteering

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